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How to print multiple items in a dictionary

This question seems like a silly question because its very basic, but I really am struggling. I have a constantly updating stream of data coming from python-binance web socket that is the prices of current currencies within the market. I am trying to separate the symbols and prices that comes when using the line:

info = client.get_all_tickers()

which prints the following which will be a section of the output:

[{'symbol': 'ETHBTC', 'price': '0.06327900'}, {'symbol': 'LTCBTC', 'price': '0.00406800'}, ...]

My aim is to isolate the symbol and price and have them printed next to each other instead of having the phrases 'symbol' and 'price' so I can both complete math equations on the prices, and so I can also output the two values in a beautified way.

I've tried this so far:

symbolGetter = [ swap['symbol'] for swap in info ]

to get my symbol and:

priceGetter = [ swap['price'] for swap in info ]

This only gets them separately, but trying to print them next to eachother using these methods that I thought would work:

symbolAndPriceGetter = [ swap['symbol', 'price'] for swap in info ]

This throws me the error:

KeyError: ('symbol', 'price')

Trying another way:

symbolGetter = [ swap['symbol', 'price'] for swap in info ]
priceGetter = [ swap['price'] for swap in info ]
print(symbolGetter, priceGetter)

returns me the symbols printed in one list and then prices printed in another list.

How could I go about returning (symbol, price)(symbol, price)...

Thankyou for any help

You can format each item into a string like this:

stringified = ['{0} {1}'.format(swap["symbol"], swap["price"]) for swap in info]

And then you can print each of them:

for s in stringified:

Or in a single operation:


Both will result in:

ETHBTC 0.06327900
LTCBTC 0.00406800

On the other hand, if you wanted to write it to a csv, you can use csv.DictWriter for that purpose:

with open('swaps.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
    fieldnames = ['symbol', 'price']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)


Try this:

for a in info:

You will get:

['ETHBTC', '0.06327900']
['LTCBTC', '0.00406800']

An alternative solution would be this:

for a in info:

You will get:

ETHBTC 0.06327900
LTCBTC 0.00406800
from decimal import Decimal

dl = [{'symbol': 'ETHBTC', 'price': '0.06327900'}, {'symbol': 'LTCBTC', 'price': '0.00406800'}]

res = [(d['symbol'], Decimal(d['price'])) for d in dl]
# [('ETHBTC', Decimal('0.06327900')), ('LTCBTC', Decimal('0.00406800'))]

# Then for example if you want aveage of price
prices = [t[1] for t in res]
ave_price = sum(prices) / (len(prices))
# 0.03367350

You can put expressions in the list comprehension, eg:

prices_as_tuples = [ (swap['symbol'], swap['price']) for swap in info ]

Or, to format it up as text

prices_for_printing = [ "%s at %s" % (swap['symbol'], swap['price']) for swap in info ]

print("; ".join(prices_for_printing))

You can iterate over the values of each dictionary and print them using generator

print(*(' '.join(v for v in d.values()) for d in info), sep='\n')

# ETHBTC 0.06327900
# LTCBTC 0.00406800

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