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How to call binance api class in php construtor?

I am trying to call binance api class in construct method in my controller so that I can access that api class instance throught entire controller. Problem lies that I need to pass $key and $secret variables to binance class in order to get that object, but I can not do that in construct method. I tried making config.ini file and calling it with parse_ini_file but that returned error that I can not use that function inside class. Here is my code. Any help is appreciated or if someone has other idea on how to make this work.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

class BinanceController 
    private $api;
    private $key = 'some long string 1';
    private $secret = 'some long string 2';

    $api = new Binance\API($key,$secret); // SOMEHOW I NEED LIKE THIS!!!

    public function __construct()
        $this->api = new Binance\API($this->key,$this->secret);

    public function getAllBinancePairs()
        $exchangeInfo = $this->api->exchangeInfo(); // HERE IS SOURCE OF ERROR!!!

        $results = [];

        foreach($exchangeInfo['symbols'] as $info) {
            $results[] = $info['symbol']; 




require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$router = new AltoRouter();

$router->map( 'GET', '/fbinance', function() {
    require __DIR__ . '/fbinance.php';

$router->map('GET','/get-all-binance-pairs', array('c' => 'BinanceController', 'a' => 'getAllBinancePairs'));

$match = $router->match();

    header( $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Server Error', true, 404);

switch($match['target']['c']) {
    case "BinanceController": 
        include 'controllers/BinanceController.php';
        if( $match && is_callable("BinanceController::" . $match['target']['a']) ) {
            call_user_func_array("BinanceController::" . $match['target']['a'], $match['params'] ); 
        } else {
            // no route was matched
            header( $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Server Error', true, 404);
        header( $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Server Error', true, 404);

If the arguments to the constructor for that API are not public, you can only instantiate it within the constructor of BinanceController like:

class BinanceController 
    private $api;
    private $key = 'some long string 1';
    private $secret = 'some long string 2';

    public function __construct()
        $this->api = new Binance\API($this->key,$this->secret);

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