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Export and Import a defined function in Python3.9

I have been attempting to define a python function in one script (lets call it script1.py) like so:

def fn1(): 

and then to import it into a separate python file in the same directory (lets call it script2.py) like this:

from script1 import fn1 or import script1

I've found lots of posts/answers supporting this process, but I continue to receive the error message that there is "No module named 'script1'". Most of the posts I've seen are from 3+ years ago, so perhaps the newer versions of python have terminated this option.

I appreciate any solutions!

If your two files are in the same folder, you can try adding a blank __init__.py file to your folder and using a relative import:

from .script1 import fn1

Adding the '.' before the module name ensures that your script is looking in the current directory.

To specify the parent directory, try: from {folder_name}.script1 import fn1 where folder_name is parent directory

You can read more about relative imports in Python 3 documentation .

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