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How can you store lists of Items in Flutter

How could you store something like that even when the app is closed in Flutter:

Class myList {
    String id;
    List<Item> list;

Class Item{
    //Many property’s

I thought maybe I could do that with "sqflite", a flutter dependency, but I have no Idea how I could store there this List<Item>. Do you have any idea?

Btw: I need multiple of these "myList" instances.

You can store it using sqflite, hive or shared preferences.Try to save it under flutter shared preferences . These are two methods that you can use.

Using shared preferences 1)First create a shared preference instance

SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

Then save the relevant data type.here you need to put a object list so add the list and convert it to the String using jsonEncode.

Map<String,List<Item>> map={mylist.id: mylist.list};
prefs.setString("itemList", json.encode(map));

Then you can retrieve data like this

Map<String,List<Item>> map=json.decode(prefs.getString("itemList")).asMap();

2)Using Hive First Create the hive databse.you can put any name here

var box = Hive.box('myBox');

Then add the object in to that database

var myList = myList()
..id = your id here
..list = add list here;

var name = box.add(myList);

You can get anywhere this data list.


You can try hive package. It is a lightweight local storage passage and it is a good idea to use hive because it has better benchmarks for reading and writes. You can search for the tutorial for the hive. or just read the documentation.

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