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PostgreSQL trigger to update field when other field in the same table is updated

I'm fairly new to SQL triggers and I'm struggling whit this:

I have a table that stores data about properties and their prices:

id_property price   area    price_m2
1           1500    60      25
2           3500    85      41

The clients could change the price of their property often, but the area won't. So I want to create a trigger that updates the price_m2 column when the price column is updated.

I've tried something like that or similar variations:

First create the function

        update my_table
        set price_m2 = new.price/old.area
        where (old.id = new.id);

        RETURN new;
language plpgsql;

Then create the trigger

CREATE TRIGGER update_price_m2
    AFTER UPDATE ON my_table
    WHEN (
        old.price IS DISTINCT FROM new.price
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_price_m2();

But when I change the price I got unexpected results, like the price_m2 column change for various id's when I only want to change the value for one id (the one who changed).

Note I know it's an antipattern to store columns whose value depends on the operation between two other columns, but there is a reason for that in this case


Just to follow up on this question so it can be closed, my recommendation in the comments was to use a generated column, which have been available since postgres 12:


The syntax would be something like this:

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id_property bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY,
  price int,
  area int,
  price_m2 int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (price / area) STORED

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