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Python Pandas Dataframe from API JSON Response >>

I am new to Python, Can i please seek some help from experts here?

I wish to construct a dataframe from https://api.cryptowat.ch/markets/summaries JSON response. based on following filter criteria

  1. Kraken listed currency pairs (Please take note, there are kraken-futures i dont want those)
  2. Currency paired with USD only, ie aaveusd, adausd....

Ideal Dataframe i am looking for is (somehow excel loads this json perfectly screenshot below) Dataframe_Excel_Screenshot

resp = requests.get(https://api.cryptowat.ch/markets/summaries) kraken_assets = resp.json() df = pd.json_normalize(kraken_assets) print(df)


result.binance-us:aaveusd.price.last result.binance-us:aaveusd.price.high ...
0 264.48 267.32 ...

[1 rows x 62688 columns]

When i just paste the link in browser JSON response is with double quotes ("), but when i get it via python code. All double quotes (") are changed to single quotes (') any idea why?. Though I tried to solve it with json_normalize but then response is changed to [1 rows x 62688 columns]. i am not sure how do i even go about working with 1 row with 62k columns. i dont know how to extract exact info in the dataframe format i need (please see excel screenshot).

Any help is much appreciated. thank you!

  • the result JSON is a dict
  • load this into a dataframe
  • decode columns into products & measures
  • filter to required data
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# load results into a data frame
df = pd.json_normalize(requests.get("https://api.cryptowat.ch/markets/summaries").json()["result"])

# columns are encoded as product and measure.  decode columns and transpose into rows that include product and measure
cols = np.array([c.split(".", 1) for c in df.columns]).T
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(cols, names=["product","measure"])
df = df.T

# finally filter down to required data and structure measures as columns

sample output

product price.last price.high price.low price.change.percentage price.change.absolute volume volumeQuote
kraken:aaveaud 347.41 347.41 338.14 0.0274147 9.27 1.77707 613.281
kraken:aavebtc 0.008154 0.008289 0.007874 0.0219326 0.000175 403.506 3.2797
kraken:aaveeth 0.1327 0.1346 0.1327 -0.00673653 -0.0009 287.113 38.3549
kraken:aaveeur 219.87 226.46 209.07 0.0331751 7.06 1202.65 259205
kraken:aavegbp 191.55 191.55 179.43 0.030559 5.68 6.74476 1238.35
kraken:aaveusd 259.53 267.48 246.64 0.0339841 8.53 3623.66 929624
kraken:adaaud 1.61792 1.64602 1.563 0.0211692 0.03354 5183.61 8366.21
kraken:adabtc 3.757e-05 3.776e-05 3.673e-05 0.0110334 4.1e-07 252403 9.41614
kraken:adaeth 0.0006108 0.00063 0.0006069 -0.0175326 -1.09e-05 590839 367.706
kraken:adaeur 1.01188 1.03087 0.977345 0.0209986 0.020811 1.99104e+06 1.98693e+06

Hello Try the below code. I have understood the structure of the Dataset and modified to get the desired output. `

resp = requests.get("https://api.cryptowat.ch/markets/summaries")
#creating Dataframe froom key=result
#using Transpose to get required Columns and Index
#price columns contains a dict which need to be seperate Columns on the data frame
da.drop('price', axis=1, inplace=True)
#intialising seperate Data frame for price
for i in db.keys():
    i=pd.DataFrame(db[i], index=[i])
    z=pd.concat([z,i], axis=0 )
da=pd.concat([z, da], axis=1)

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