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How to return render_template in Flask?

The following code works perfectly from the .py file but I want to separate the HTML and put it in templates/index.html.

I suppose I have to use the render_template function in Flask to be able to return the same results.

# File dynamic_website.py
from owlready2 import *
onto = get_ontology("bacteria.owl").load()
from flask import Flask, url_for
app = Flask(__name__)
def ontology_page():
    html  = """<html><body>"""
    html += """<h2>'%s' ontology</h2>""" % onto.base_iri
    html += """<h3>Root classes</h3>"""
    for Class in Thing.subclasses():
        html += """<p><a href="%s">%s</a></p>""" % (url_for("class_page", iri = Class.iri), Class.name)
    html += """</body></html>"""
    return html

I created a folder template and a file index.html. I used return render_template('index.html') but it doesn't work. What arguments do I have to add to the return_template function? "for Class in Thing.subclasses():" have to be in the .html file or .py file? What about the url_for function?

If you could edit the .py code and let me know what should I write exactly in the index.html file to have the same results it would be great.


What I have done:

Python code

from flask import Flask, render_template
from owlready2 import *
from flask import Flask, url_for

onto = get_ontology("bacteria.owl").load()

app = Flask(__name__)


def ontology_page():
    for Class in Thing.subclasses():

        return render_template('index.html')

Html code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1>{{ Class.name }}</h1>

You can't send return something multiple times.

If you want the user to see a list of things on the html, do this. render_template('index.html', things=Thing.Subclasses()) This will give Jinja a list, where it can then for loop.

For html you can do this {% for s in things %} {{ s }} is something {% endfor %} . Do anything you want with the s though, s is one subclass from the list.

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