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No deleted entries in journal receivers?

We have all Future 3 files journaled, but when I do a DSPJRN command OUTFILFMT(*TYPE3) I have no delete (DL) entries. I have only one record in the physical file, but many add (PT) and update (UP) entries for that one record. How is that possible? What am I missing?

Two possibilities. Either CLRPFM command was used to clear the table or all records in table were deleted using single delete command. If you delete all records from table using single delete command, DB2 for i will use CLRPFM. There will be entry in journal receiver for CLRPFM instead of entry for delete in both cases.

Thank you for your thoughts. We determined that the journal was set up to save *AFTER images only. Since the *AFTER images were just blanks, there was no way to know which record was deleted. We changed the journaling to *BOTH images and now can see which record(s) were deleted.

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