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Why my position(right) property does not change in JavaScript

According to my code , I want to change the position of my element(.counter-eclipse-num) if (cartNum < 10) But it does not change ! I just want it to move a little bit .

However If (cartNum > 10) in addCartNum() function, it changes ! where is the problem ?

I've added my HTML & JavaScript Code you can take a look.

 let cartNumStr = document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText; let cartNum = Number(cartNumStr); document.querySelector(".polygon-cart").addEventListener("click", function(e) { const tgt = e.target; if (tgt.classList.contains("fa-trash")) { const container = tgt.closest(".cart-content-container"); let qty = container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value; if (qty < 2){ container.remove(); cartNum = cartNum - 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; } else { qty = qty -1; container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value = qty; cartNum = cartNum - 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; if (cartNum <10) { document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').style.right = "5.2px"; } } } }); function addCartNum() { cartNum = cartNum + 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; if (cartNum > 9){ document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').style.right = "2.2px"; } }
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Here is the CSS code requested:

 .counter-eclipse{ position: absolute; width: 18px; height: 18px; right: 7px; top: -78px; background: #DAD8C7; border-radius: 100%; transition: .3s; } .counter-eclipse-num{ position: absolute; right: 5px; top: -12px; font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 15px; line-height: 14px; color: #FF0000; transition: .3s; }

Looks like the positioning does work if under some conditions the element moves. Have you checked if this (cartNum < 10) condition is ever true? First off, I would recommend to put a debugger or a console.log() inside it and check out your console in Dev Tools to find out whether cartNum is less than 10.

If it is, and the positioning is still not working, please check the CSS applied to the element you're trying to move. Make sure that the right property is there, has a correct value and is not overlapped by something else.

Hope it helps! Anyway, let us know if you have some more information. You might try to share a screenshot of the Elements tab of your Dev Tools so that we could see if you have any styling issue.

Ok , I answered my own question ! The only thing that I needed to do was to add the if condition to my first if in the code below (pay attention to my old and my new code ) :


 document.querySelector(".polygon-cart").addEventListener("click", function(e) { const tgt = e.target; if (tgt.classList.contains("fa-trash")) { const container = tgt.closest(".cart-content-container"); let qty = container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value; if (qty < 2){ container.remove(); cartNum = cartNum - 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; cartRealPrice = container.querySelector('.cart-real-price').innerText; sumPrice = sumPrice - cartRealPrice; document.querySelector('.sum-price').innerText = sumPrice; if (cartNum < 10) { document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').style.right = "5.2px"; } } else { qty = qty -1; container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value = qty; cartNum = cartNum - 1; container.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; if (cartNum < 10) { document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').style.right = "5.2px"; } } } });


 document.querySelector(".polygon-cart").addEventListener("click", function(e) { const tgt = e.target; if (tgt.classList.contains("fa-trash")) { const container = tgt.closest(".cart-content-container"); let qty = container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value; if (qty < 2){ container.remove(); cartNum = cartNum - 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; } else { qty = qty -1; container.querySelector(".cart-qty").value = qty; cartNum = cartNum - 1; document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').innerText = cartNum; if (cartNum <10) { document.querySelector('.counter-eclipse-num').style.right = "5.2px"; } } } });

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