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How to add a prisma middleware in different file

I am trying to use Prisma middleware to hash passwords. For hashing, I created a new directory (middleware) and created a new file prisma.ts inside it. Now I want to access these middleware, whenever a new user is created.

import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'
import { PrismaClient, Prisma } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma: PrismaClient = new PrismaClient()

prisma.$use(async (params: Prisma.MiddlewareParams, next) => {
    if (params.action == 'create' && params.model == 'User') {
        let user = params.args.data
        let salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10)
        let hash = bcrypt.hashSync(user.password, salt)
        user.password = hash
    return await next(params)

您可以在您创建的新文件中导入prisma ,然后在那里定义您的中间件。

// File: prisma.ts

import { PrismaClient, Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import * as middleware from './prismaMiddleware';

const prisma: PrismaClient = new PrismaClient();


// File: prismaMiddleware.ts
import {Prisma} from '@prisma/client';
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';
export const Encrypt: Prisma.Middleware =  async (params: Prisma.MiddlewareParams, next) => {
    if (params.action == 'create' && params.model == 'User') {
        let user = params.args.data
        let salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10)
        let hash = bcrypt.hashSync(user.password, salt)
        user.password = hash
    return await next(params)

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