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How to convert case class RDD to RDD[String]?

I am having one schema rdd. If I print that RDD, I will get the output like caseclass_name(col a, col b,col c) caseclass_name(col d,col e, col f) ..... ..... I need to display simply as (without case class name in front) col a, col b, col c col d, col e, col f

How can I get this? Please assist

val tenColumns1 = afterSplit1.filter(x => x.length == 4)
case class iclass(Id1:Int,Id2:Int,SaleDate:String,Code:String)

val insureRDD1 = tenColumns1.map( i => iclass(i(0).toInt,i(1).toInt,i(2),i(3))) insureRDD1.take(2).foreach(println)




I need the output as:



Simplest solution is to override the toString method in your case class

case class iclass(Id1:Int,Id2:Int,SaleDate:String,Code:String) {
  override def toString(): String = {

If you have an RDD[iclass] and want to convert it to an RDD[String] , you can then just map it like insureRDD1.map(_.toString)

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