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Thread Safe Control - Crashing VS 2008

I am working on creating a thread safe control for my windows forms application.

I understand I can set the text on a control thread safe by using the following code:

private delegate void SetTextD(Control control, string value);

private static void SetText(Control control, string value)
        control.Invoke(new SetTextD(SetText), new object[] {control, value});
        control.Text = value;

Then in my form code i can call:

SetText(lblStatus, "Updating...");

My goal is to create a custom control, which inherits Label. Then inside this class, on the Text property I can just call:

lblStatus.Text = "Updating..."

Then it will automatically do the proper thread safe code.

Here is the code that I have in my class:

public class ThreadSafeLabel : Label 
    private delegate string GetTextD();
    private delegate void SetTextD(string value);

    private string GetText()
        if (InvokeRequired)
            return (string)Invoke(new GetTextD(GetText));
        return Text;

    private void SetText(string value)
            Invoke(new SetTextD(SetText), new object[] {value});
            Text = value;

    public override string Text
            return GetText();

Now, when I attempt to add this control to my form, it crashes VS 2008. I was thinking that maybe it had to do with setting the initial text property when you add it to the form, but not sure.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong or what I might be missing?

If something is not clear, please ask.


Try a

return base.Text;

or you will run into a endless loop (when you add the Label to your Form the Text-property is queried - and the endless loop makes VS crash). Same for your setter.

Because of C# 3.0's anonymous methods, you don't need separate set and get methods. The simplest way to do what you're looking for is like this:

public class ThreadSafeLabel : Label {
    public override string Text {
        get {
            return InvokeRequired ? Invoke(new Func<string>(() => base.Text)) : base.Text;
        set { 
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new Action(() => base.Text = value));
                base.Text = value;

Note that I'm using BeginInvoke so that the calling thread will not wait for the invoke to complete; you might want to change it to Invoke .


The problem with your code is that your set and get methods are calling your overridden Text property again, creating an infinte loop that results in a stack overlow (the exception, not the website). You need to write base.Text to call the base class' implementation of the Text property.

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