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Finding google shared drive folder ID

from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from pydrive.drive import GoogleDrive

gauth = GoogleAuth()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) 
def get_children(root_folder_id,param={'q': str},drive=drive):
    str = "\'" + root_folder_id + "\'" + " in parents and trashed=false"
    file_list = drive.ListFile(param).GetList()
    return file_list

def get_folder_id(root_folder_id, root_folder_title,drive=drive):
    file_list = get_children(root_folder_id,drive=drive)
    for file in file_list:
        if(file['title'] == root_folder_title):
            return file['id']
get_folder_id("root", "YourFolderNameInRoot",drive=drive)

After testing, this cannot be used to find the name of a shared Drive Folder ID. Only okay for "MyDrive"

How do I find google SHARED drive folder ID.

Upon reviewing the documentation of pydrive , pydrive does not support the Drive.Drives.List method of Google Drive API .

Drive.Drives.List will list the user's shared drives which include the name and id of the shared drive as part of the response.



Here is an example usage of Drive.Drives.List in python.

Further Reading:

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