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How to set no-store in om.vaadin.server.StreamResource

I have a vaadin 7 application to download a csv file. when I set the streamResource.setCacheTime(0); Cache-Control: no-cache set in reponse header of the csv file. but how to set no-store also in the response header of the resource. I just want to stop retaining my csv file in browser. so the attacker can not use it. following method not works streamResource.getStream().setParameter("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate");

nor this one also

response.setHeader("Cache-Control",  "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate");

please help

streamResource.getStream().setParameter(...) does not work because getStream() creates a new instance every time it's invoked.

What you could do is to create a custom subclass of StreamResource that overrides getStream() to make further changes to the original stream before returning it, ie something like this:

public class NoStoreStreamResource extends StreamResource {
  public NoStoreStreamResource(StreamSource streamSource, String filename) {
    super(streamSource, filename);
  public DownloadStream getStream() {
    DownloadStream ds = super.getStream();
    ds.setParameter("Cache-Control",  "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate");
    return ds;

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