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how do you print a receipt using Star TSP 650 II?

Does anyone know a beginner friendly tutorial for Star TSP 650II (using parallel port) to print something from django/python?

I can't seem to figure out how it works.

It's not an easy one, as the Star TSP printers accept 'Star graphic mode commands' - You can see the full commandset here:


I spent some time creating a python module - StarTSPImage , which will take a PIL image in Python, and then convert to the right raster/binary data that the printer is expecting. Using the module can print an image with the following:

 import StarTSPImage raster = StarTSPImage.imageFileToRaster('file.bmp', cut=True)) printer = open('/dev/usb/lp0', 'wb') printer.write(raster)

I have used imgkit to generate an image from HTML in the past and used that for reciepts.

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