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Firebase Crashlytics say 6 events,but only show 2

Im logging non crash events on firebase crashlytics and apply some filters to get one specific device. And result is saying i have 6 events on chart and below on detail events it only show 2. What im doing wrong?


You need to post your code... but without seeing your code, if you are using Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() , Crashlytics.logException(e) or setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() , etc. try removing setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() . The recent updates have made some compatibility issues.. or if you don't have anything... trying playing around with this, it should update correctly.

public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable e) {


    Utils.closeApplicationAndRestart(context, 5000, MainActivity.class);

Another option is to handle it as custom exception ... and ensure you update the data correctly.

The logs are recorded based on the events but their counts depends upon the number of events and number of occurrence.

counts = number of events * number of occurrence

It looks like the same events occurred again and again on the same device that causes the count of events is increased, but still the events are same.

In your case may be that two events occurred for three time that leads to the count as six.

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