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Changing TopMost of a form from another form

I'm trying to change the topmost of my Main form from the Settings form and it doesnt work. Here is the code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.button1.Text == "Top Most: ON")
                this.button1.Text = "Top Most: OFF";

                var main = new Main();
                main.TopMost = false;

            else if (this.button1.Text == "Top Most: OFF")
                this.button1.Text = "Top Most: ON";

                var main = new Main();
                main.TopMost = true;

In the settings form:

private MainForm _mf;

public SettingsForm(MainForm mf){
    _mf = mf;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    _mf.TopMost = !_mf.TopMost;
    this.button1.Text == "Top Most: " + _mf.TopMost ? "ON" : "OFF;

And in your main form that shows the settings:

new SettingsForm(this).Show...

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