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Consider defining a bean of type in your configuration: MyBatis

I am new to the whole spring ecosystem. I've been following some tutorials and was able to create a spring boot application and performed crud operations. Then I started changing that project to standards of mybatis.

I have tried many answers to other similar questions but none are working so far.

Here is the problem statement:


package com.crudapp.service;

import com.crudapp.entity.Customer;

import java.util.List;

public interface CustomerService {

    public List<Customer> getAllCustomers();
//I have other methods as well to delete, update and post.


The implementation class is implemented as:

public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {

    private CustomerMapper customerMapper;

    public List<Customer> getAllCustomers() {
        List<Customer> list = customerMapper.getAllCustomers();
        return list;

My Mapper class is like this:

public interface CustomerMapper {

    public List<Customer> getAllCustomers();

My Mapper.xml class is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"  "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="com.crudapp.mapper.CustomerMapper">
    <select id="getAllCustomers" resultType="customer">
        select * from customers

and finally my Controller class:

public class CustomerController {

    CustomerService customerService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/getAllCustomers", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public List<Customer> getAllCustomers() {
        List<Customer> list = customerService.getAllCustomers();
        return list;

The error I'm getting is:


Field customerMapper in com.crudapp.service.impl.CustomerServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.crudapp.mapper.CustomerMapper' that could not be found.

The injection point has the following annotations:

  • @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 'com.crudapp.mapper.CustomerMapper' in your configuration.

The error is straightforward without a doubt. I think the two @Autowired I have one in the controller the other in service implmentation might be the problem. But my understanding is that the bean will be auto-managed by the framework. So, how would I fix this?

UPDATE: By adding @MapperScan("com.crudapp.mapper") the above error is no longer there but I'm getting this new error:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'customerRepo' defined in com.crudapp.repository.CustomerRepo defined in @EnableJpaRepositories declared on JpaRepositoriesRegistrar.EnableJpaRepositoriesConfiguration: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a managed type: class com.crudapp.entity.Customer

My main class is:

public class CrudappApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(CrudappApplication.class, args);


In my application.properties file I have:



Ensure you have this in your properties file

mybatis.typeAliasesPackage=com.sivalabs.demo.domain mybatis.mapperLocations=classpath*:**/mappers/*.xml

Ref: https://dzone.com/articles/spring-boot-working-with-mybatis

And MapperScan annotation

public class SpringbootMyBatisDemoApplication
    public static void main(String[] args)
        SpringApplication.run(SpringbootMyBatisDemoApplication.class, args);

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