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How to remove Visual Studio Code autocomplete suggestion if I type ","?

I am programming in jupyter using Visual Studio Code, but every time I type ","(comma) I get autocomplete suggestions. This is really annoying when writing dictionaries for example. I have tried to solve it by going through every single option in settings>User>Text Editor>Suggestions and the only solution I could find was to disable the "Suggest on Trigger Characters". This unfortunately also disables autocomplete suggestions when I type "."(period) which i want to keep. Is there any way to disable only ","(comma) as a Trigger Character?


I found a dirty workaround for this annoying problem:

  1. uninstall or disable ms-toolsai.jupyter the official Microsoft extension for jupyter
  2. install the old deprecated jupyter extension donjayamanne.jupyter

In this way you have autocomplete for functions and for the '.' , but not for the ',' comma. This can work for you, until the source of the problem found and resolved.

Edit: The bug is reported on github and it has a work in progress status in the Jupyter: Iteration Plan for November 2021

根据https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/7880#issuecomment-958594302 ,回滚到 v2021.8.1236758218 可以消除问题,直到问题得到解决。

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