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Improve performance in Google App Script Search functions

I have written a script using Google App Script (in javascript) and I am looking for a way to be best optimize function that return objects, based on one or more search fields. The data is stored in a Google Sheet. The UI I have passes parameters to my function, then I iterate over a given sheet to find rows that meet a criteria, and add cells to an object, to be returned. The return could be just one object or a list of objects. For the most part, this works fine, but if I have this type of function nested in a loop it can really drag the performance. Any advise on how to improve performance would be greatly appreciated. Here is an example of my code:

function GetAllReportByOrgID_DataLayer_(org_id, reporting_periods) {
    //get all reporting period for program
    var rows = GetDataRows_(DATA_SPREAD_SHEET_ID, RESPONSE_PAGE);
    var surveys = [];   
    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = rows[i];
        var found_org_id = row[2];
        var found_is_active = row[13];
        if (found_org_id == org_id && found_is_active == true ) {
            var survey = {};
            survey.indicator_id = row[0];
            survey.program_id = row[1];
            survey.org_guid = row[2];
            survey.survey_response = row[3];
            survey.reporting_period = row[5];
            survey.reporting_period_name = GetReportingPeriodNameById_(row[5], reporting_periods);
            survey.is_final_report = row[6];
            survey.is_submitted = row[7];
            survey.submitted_by = row[8];
            survey.submitted_by_email = row[9];
            survey.date_created = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[10]);
            survey.date_updated = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[11]);
            survey.fiscal_year = row[12];
            survey.documents = GetDocumentsById_DataLayer_({
                 program_id: row[13]
    surveys.success = true;
    return surveys;
function GetDataRows_(Sheet_Id, SheetName) {
    var sheet = GetSheet_(Sheet_Id, SheetName);
    var rows = [];
    if (sheet) {
        rows = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
    return rows;
function GetSheet_(Sheet_Id, SheetName) {  
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(Sheet_Id);
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SheetName);
  return sheet;
function GetReportingPeriodNameById_(id, reporting_periods) {
   if (id) {
       for (var i = 0; i < reporting_periods.length; i++) {
           if (reporting_periods[i].id == id) {
              return reporting_periods[i].value
      return "Reporting Period Not Found"
  } else {
    return "Reporting Period Not Found"

function GetDocumentsById_DataLayer_(data) {
    var documents = [];
    var program_id = data.program_id.trim();

    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = rows[i];
        var found_program_id = row[1];
        var is_active = row[6];
    if(is_active === true){
      if (found_program_id === program_id) {
        var document = {};
        document.document_id = row[0];
        document.program_id = row[1];
        document.document_name = row[2];
        document.file_id = row[3];
        document.file_name = row[4];
        document.file_url = row[5]
        document.date_created = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[7]);
        document.date_updated = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[8]);
    documents.success = true;
    return documents;

function ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(unix_timestamp) {
    if (!unix_timestamp) {
        return "";
    var a = new Date(unix_timestamp * 1000);
    var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
    var year = a.getFullYear();
    var month = months[a.getMonth()];
    var date = a.getDate();
    var hour = a.getHours();
    var min = a.getMinutes();
    var sec = a.getSeconds();
    var time = a.getMonth() + "/" + date + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
    return time;

This code mostly works fine, except when it is in a loop that gets called 100 times or so, then things lag and can take a minute or more to process. The sheets aren't that big, less that 200 rows and 15 columns.

The reason for performance depreciation is the GetDataRows_ function, because it makes repeated calls to Spreadsheet.openById() , ss.getSheetByName(SheetName); . You could try using a global map to cache these objects. For example, Use a Spreadsheet map

const globalSSMap = new Map();//global SS map

Then your getter functions can be rewritten. For eg, to get ss , use

if(!globalSSMap.has(Sheet_id)) globalSSMap.set(Sheet_id,SpreadsheetApp.openById(Sheet_Id));
var ss = globalSSMap.get(Sheet_id);

You can refer to this sample code:


function GetAllDataByManager_DataLayer_(loggedin_user) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(DATA_SPREAD_SHEET_ID);

  var sheets = ss.getSheets();
  // create sheet objects
  var sheetData = {};
  sheets.forEach(sheet => {
    sheetData[sheet.getName()] = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();

    var program_rows = sheetData[PROGRAM_MANAGERS];
    var ip_ids = [];
    var Company_data = [];
  var runtimeCountStart = new Date();

  //first search to make sure logged in user exists, and is marked as Active == True and is marked as an Admin
  //if they exist, add their ID to the list 
  //Should only see records for the logged in user if
  //they are either listed as the primary manager  (company tab)
  //or they are listed as an additional manager (program managers tab)

    for (var i = 1; i < program_rows.length; i++) {
        var row = program_rows[i];
        var found_admin_email = row[2];
        var found_is_active = row[10];
        if (found_admin_email == loggedin_user && found_is_active == true) {

  var partner_rows = sheetData[PARTNER_PAGE];  
  for (var i = 1; i < partner_rows.length; i++) {
    var partner_row = partner_rows[i]
    var found_partner_id = partner_row[0];
    var add_record = false;
      add_record = true;
      var found_cor_email = partner_row[5]
      if(loggedin_user.toUpperCase() == found_cor_email.toUpperCase()){
        add_record = true;
    if(add_record == true){
      var partner = {
                    ip_id: partner_row[0],
                    ip_name: partner_row[1],
                    ip_poc_name: partner_row[2],
                    ip_poc_email: partner_row[3],
                    manager_name: partner_row[4],
                    manager_email: partner_row[5],
                    is_active: partner_row[6],
                    date_created: partner_row[7],
                    created_by: partner_row[8],
                    partner_programs:  GetAllProgramDataByIP_DataLayer_(sheetData, found_partner_id),  
          partner_notes: GetProgramNarrativesByPartnerID_DataLayer_(sheetData, found_partner_id),
          partner_reports: GetAllReportByPartnerID_DataLayer_(sheetData, found_partner_id)       


  stop = new Date();
  newRuntime = Number(stop) - Number(runtimeCountStart);
  newRuntime  = (newRuntime /1000)/60

    return Company_data;

function GetAllProgramDataByIP_DataLayer_(sheetData, ip_id) {
    var rows = sheetData[PROGRAM_PAGE];
    var programs = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = rows[i];
        var found_partner_id = row[1];
        var program = {}
        if (found_partner_id === ip_id) {      
            program.program_id = row[0].toString();
            program.partner_id = row[1].toString();
            program.program_name = row[2].toString();
            program.program_country = row[3].toString();        
            program.program_background = row[4].toString();
            program.program_objectives = row[5].toString();
            program.program_justification = row[6].toString();
            program.program_start_date = row[7].toString();
      program.program_status = row[8].toString();
            program.program_contract_number = row[9].toString();            
            program.is_active = row[10]
            program.date_created = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[11].toString());
            program.date_updated = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[12].toString());
            program.success = true;

    return programs;
function GetProgramNarrativesByPartnerID_DataLayer_(sheetData, partner_id) {
    var rows = sheetData[PROGRAM_NARRATIVE_NOTE];
    var programs_notes = [];
    var response = {};
    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = rows[i];
        var found_partner_id = row[2];
        var is_active = row[7];
    if(is_active === true){
      if (found_partner_id === partner_id) {
        var note = {};
        note.note_id = row[0];
        note.program_id = row[1];
        note.company_guid = row[2];        
        note.note_title = htmlEscape_(row[3]);
        note.note_desc = htmlEscape_(row[4]);
        note.note_reportingPeriod = row[5];
        note.activity_theme = row[6];
        note.date_created = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[8]);
        note.date_updated = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[9]);
    response.success = true;
    response.programs_notes = programs_notes
    return response;
function GetAllReportByPartnerID_DataLayer_(sheetData, partner_id) {
    //get all reporting period for program
    var rows = sheetData[RESPONSE_PAGE];  
    var surveys = [];   
    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = rows[i];
        var found_partner_id = row[2];
        if (found_partner_id == partner_id) {
            var survey = {};
            survey.indicator_id = row[0];
            survey.program_id = row[1];
            survey.company_guid = row[2];
            survey.survey_response = row[3];
            survey.reporting_period = row[5];
            survey.is_final_report = row[6];
            survey.is_submitted = row[7];
            survey.submitted_by = row[8];
            survey.submitted_by_email = row[9];
            survey.date_created = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[10]);
            survey.date_updated = ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(row[11]);
            survey.fiscal_year = row[12];
    surveys.success = true;
    return surveys;


function ConvertUnixTimeStampToDateTime_(unix_timestamp) {
    if (!unix_timestamp) {
        return "";
    var a = new Date(unix_timestamp * 1000);
    var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
    var year = a.getFullYear();
    var month = months[a.getMonth()];
    var date = a.getDate();
    var hour = a.getHours();
    var min = a.getMinutes();
    var sec = a.getSeconds();
    var time = a.getMonth() + "/" + date + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
    return time;

function CreateGUID_() {
    return Utilities.getUuid();
function htmlEscape_(str) {
  str = str.toString();
    if (str && str.length > 0) {
        return str.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "")
    } else {
        return "";


  • I didn't see GetDocumentsById_DataLayer_ and survey.documents in the shared script.
  • I just looked for something to improve in your main function GetAllDataByManager_DataLayer_() where nested loop occur when you are checking your partner_rows variable.
  • I don't think there's any more we can do regarding your nested loop check.

Modifications Done:

  • Although you prevented repeating the calls for Spreadsheet.openById() , you still make individual calls when you map your sheet objects since you use ss.getSheetByName(SheetName);to get individual sheet object based on the SheetName and even reading the sheet values during every loop for 3 different sheets
  • What I did is to get all your sheet object available in your spreadsheet using getSheets() , get its data range values then map them based on their sheet name. As what was suggested by @TheMaster in the other answer
  • Remove unnecessary functions in Helper_Functions.gs

Execution Log:


  • For the code changes, refer to the last 2 recent Web Apps execution logs. Compare it to the first execution

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