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How to validate input field for 11bits number only in Angular?

I have an Input field in my angular template-driven form. I want to configure that fields so that it can only take an 11bits number like 01001111100


How can I do that?

If you were to use reactive forms, create you form for example:

this.myForm = this._sb.fb.group(
    bitsValue: this._sb.fb.control('', [Validators.required, YourValidatorClass.elevenBitsOnly])        
export class YourValidatorClass {
static elevenBitsOnly(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {
   const value = control.value;
   //... validate your value meets your 11 bit requirement
         return { bitValueReq: 'You must provide value as 11 bits number' };
   //... if it doesn't meet the requirement return null
         return null;

Then in your html template:

<div [formGroup]="myForm">
        <input matInput type="text" formControlName="bitsValue"  />
        <mat-error *ngIf="myForm.hasError('bitValueReq'))"> {{ getErrorMessage(myForm.get('bitsValue')) }}</mat-error>

....component.ts file:

getErrorMessage(control: AbstractControl): string{
  const error = control.getError('bitValueReq');
    if(error){  ​
  ​  return error['bitValueReq'];

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