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Flask appbuilder how to use existing model to create a new model and save into DB

Basically I have model A and B.

class A(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Tabel_A)


class B(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Table_B)

A has a action like:

@action("mularchive", "Archieve", "Archieve all Really?", "fa-rocket", single=False)
def mularchive(self, items):
    for item in items:
        new_item = item.__class__()
        new_item.name = item.name
    return redirect(self.get_redirect())

So I'm expect object b will save into table B. But this is not working and it complain about

AttributeError: 'Table A' object has no attribute 'method_permission_name'

please help, I'm new to flask appbuilder and python... not sure where I made mistake.

for item in items
    b = B(name = item.name)
return redirect(self.get_redirect())

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