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How to work with time interval in postgreSQL

I have a postgreSQL query that returns 'Late' when the given condition is met, currently, When i run below query I'm getting an error

CASE WHEN CAST(so.scheduled_delivery_time AS date) < CURRENT_DATE OR CAST(so.scheduled_delivery_time AS date) = CURRENT_DATE AND DATETIME(so.scheduled_delivery_time) < DATETIME_SUB(datetime(current_datetime()),  INTERVAL '3' HOUR) THEN 'Late'
END AS status


ERROR: function datetime(timestamp without time zone) does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types.

What I'm I missing?

Hey there — the simplest answer is that there is no function named DATETIME . Also it looks like your values are already timestamps, so you can probably just do this:

so.scheduled_delivery_time < current_datetime() - INTERVAL '3' HOUR

A good starting point to find the available functions, is the fine manual . CURRENT_TIMESTAMP will give you the current timestamp and you can use it like this:


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