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Remove everything from before the :

I need to remove everything before the :

Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks

I just need to keep the Scanning IP Blocks

val = "Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks"

pos = val.rfind(':')
if pos >= 0:
    val = val[:pos]


But I'm getting the everything before the :

[:pos] means 0 to pos which you don't want. write [pos+1:] what will give you pos to the end of the string.

val = "Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks"

pos = val.rfind(':')
if pos >= 0:
    val = val[pos+1:]


You can try:

>>> import re
>>> val = "Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks"
>>> re.sub(r'^.*?:', '', val)
' Scanning IP Blocks'

The syntax for string indexing is string[startIndex:endIndex] . You can use:

val = "Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks"

pos = val.rfind(':')
if pos >= 0:
    val = val[pos+1:]


or you can use split() :

val = "Active Scanning: Scanning IP Blocks"

pos = val.rfind(':')
if pos >= 0:
    val = val.split(":")[1]


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