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Python: How do I use this code snippet to append text to the next line?

I have made a python based quiz game. One of my functions reads text from a file and imports it as a dictionary to use as the question/answer base. I have a file called nmapQuestions.txt and portQuestions.txt. I intend to continually add pages of questions. I'm using the below code snippet to make one text file in my directory have ALL the questions in one document. A master quiz if you will. I have one issue. When this appends 2 files together the second file doesnt start on a new line it starts at the end of the line of the last file how do I get this to append to a new line?

def master_list():
    outfilename = "zMasterList.txt"

    with open(outfilename, 'wb') as outfile:
        for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):
            if filename == outfilename:
            with open(filename, 'rb') as readfile:
                shutil.copyfileobj(readfile, outfile)


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What is port -p?: ,port scan

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What is port -iL?: ,scan from file

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Help is definitely appreciated please and thank you

Seems like you should make sure your file ends with a newline character.

One solution would be to append the newline first, and then copy the rest of the file.

So you'd only need to add:


which will add a new line to your outfile .

If you want to add 2 lines, do instead:

print("\n", file=outfile)

After doing some research I found you could add a new line to the end of the block with the following code:


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