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How to loop through JSON object that is array of objects?

I just need to retrieve an object by its id from this JSON object (peopleData). When I do typeof peopleData , it returns object. When I try to do typeof peopleData[0] (treating this object as an array because it has brackets as the opening and closing elements) it returns undefined . How do I loop through all of the objects to find the appropriate object if this JSON object is an array that returns "undefined" when I try to get a specific element of that array? I don't know how to enumerate over or de-structure this object since it is an array.

Here are the first few lines from the JSON that I was given (I changed the values but that is irrelevant. I am mainly emphasizing the bracket at the beginning). This is the raw JSON object that I copied from its raw form on GitHub:

    "id": "237856238235",
    "ip_address": "3423423.42.42.4",
    "ssn": "123133231",
    "date_of_birth": "3123123",
    "address": {
        "home": {
            "street_number": "231231",
            "street_name": "ef2ef23",
            "street_suffix": "8i6rth2",
            "city": "wefwdfwef"
            "state": "affwefwfww",
            "zip": "wefsdfbghyj"
        "work": {
            "street_number": "wefgwegwe",
            "street_name": "wefwefwf",
            "street_suffix": "wsfaf",
            "city": "aefaef",
            "state": "afaef",
            "zip": "aefaef"
}, {
    "id": "fwefewf",
    "ip_address": "fwefwf",
    "ssn": "wfwef",
    "date_of_birth": "wefwef",
    "address": {
        "home": {
            "street_number": "efwef",

I have done this before with this exact data and it worked when I just used a small function that cycles through each element of the array, but I have no idea why it is not working now.

I diagnosed my problem incorrectly. It did not have to do with the JSON data. I forgot to use await when getting the data with Axios. Thanks so much for any effort you put in to help me with this.

You can use filter by the id you want.

 const data = [{ "id": "237856238235", "ip_address": "3423423.42.42.4", "ssn": "123133231", "date_of_birth": "3123123", "address": { "home": { "street_number": "231231", "street_name": "ef2ef23", "street_suffix": "8i6rth2", "city": "wefwdfwef", "state": "affwefwfww", "zip": "wefsdfbghyj" }, "work": { "street_number": "wefgwegwe", "street_name": "wefwefwf", "street_suffix": "wsfaf", "city": "aefaef", "state": "afaef", "zip": "aefaef" } } }, { "id": "fwefewf", "ip_address": "fwefwf", "ssn": "wfwef", "date_of_birth": "wefwef", "address": { "home": { "street_number": "efwef", "street_name": "ef2ef23", "street_suffix": "8i6rth2", "city": "wefwdfwef", "state": "affwefwfww", "zip": "wefsdfbghyj" }, "work": { "street_number": "wefgwegwe", "street_name": "wefwefwf", "street_suffix": "wsfaf", "city": "aefaef", "state": "afaef", "zip": "aefaef" } } }] let result = data.filter(obj => obj.id === "237856238235") //console.log(result) console.log(result[0])

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