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Can't extract JSON from API response - Google Cloud Vision API (Node.js library)

This is probably a simple JSON issue but I am struggling to extract data from the text detection response using the Google Vision API on Node.js

The response I am getting looks like JSON data to me (here is a sample of the raw response as a string):

[{webDetection: null, logoAnnotations: [], context: null, safeSearchAnnotation: null, 
fullTextAnnotation: {pages: [{blocks: [{blockType: TEXT, paragraphs: [{words: [{symbols:
 [{boundingBox: {normalizedVertices: [], vertices: [{x: 568, y: 0}, {x: 601, y: 1}, {x: 
600, y: 84}, {x: 567, y: 83}]}, property: {detectedBreak: null, detectedLanguages: 
[{languageCode: en, confidence: 0}]}, confidence: 0.9900000095367432, text: B}, 
{boundingBox: {normalizedVertices: [], vertices: [{x: 615, y: 0}, {x: 640, y: 0}, {x: 639,
 y: 83}, {x: 614, y: 83}]}, property: {detectedBreak: null, detectedLanguages: 
[{languageCode: en, confidence: 0}]}, confidence: 1, text: a}, {boundingBox: 

However when I try and parse it as follows, I am getting an error.

const jsonData = response[0].fullTextAnnotation;
const textAnnotation = JSON.parse(jsonData);

Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

Any ideas what I am doing wrong and how I can extract the data correctly?


I've tried reading the data as arrays and maps which doesn't work with regular for loops, but does if I use an int loop eg

Doesn't work:

const fullTextAnnotation = response[0].fullTextAnnotation;
  const pages = fullTextAnnotation.pages;
  const allBlocks = [];
  for (var page in pages) {
    const blocks = page.blocks;
    for (var block in blocks) {

Does work:

const fullTextAnnotation = response[0].fullTextAnnotation;
  const pages = fullTextAnnotation.pages;
  const allBlocks = [];
  for (var i = 0; i<pages.length;i++) {
    const blocks = pages[i].blocks;
    for (var j = 0; j<blocks.length;j++) {

When I use the regular for loop I get an error: Property 'blocks' does not exist on type 'string'.

When I use the int loop, the blocks property is properly shown as: const blocks: vision.protos.google.cloud.vision.v1.IBlock[]

This is something I can deal with I guess, however I am definitely curious what is going wrong, because it took a lot of guessing to find the workaround.

It's hard to tell without the full string, and without the previous code, but it looks like you might be grabbing the fullTextAnnotation before you are parsing the string. I would suggest trying to parse response or response[0], and then assign fullTextAnnotation to the textAnnotation variable.

If you could share a console.log() of response, response[0], the respective JSON.parses() for those, and then possibly the unparse response[0].fullTextAnnotation, that would definitely help us diagnose the issue!

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