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Apache camel onException adding error details to the original message

I have added this exception handling to the camel route.

 .onException(BeanCreationException.class, ValidationException.class)
     .process(new OnExceptionProcessor())
public class OnExceptionProcessor implements Processor {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        Exception cause = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class);
        exchange.getIn().setHeader("FailedBecause", cause.getMessage());

When I read this message back from the error queue, I cannot find this header. any idea on how to add error details along with the original message to the error queue

This could be a context problem because you are in a processor that is called by the error handler .

As an alternative, you could return the String value to set in the header from your processor method . By the way, this also improves the testability of your Processor.

Then you can use this return value to set the header in the error handler route directly.

.setHeader("FailedBecause", method(new OnExceptionProcessor()))

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