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How to get an object from one key,value in array

I have the following code which returns whether the key and value are found in an array object.

function iterate(array, prop, val) {
    Object.keys(array).forEach((key) => {
        if (key === prop && val === array[key]) {
            console.log(`key: ${key}, value: ${array[key]}`);

        if (typeof array[key] === 'object') {
            iterate(array[key], prop, val);

That's ok but now I would like to access the full content of that specific object where those properties and values were found. This is my JSON:


This is what I look for/get with my function:


And this is what I need:


Is there any way to achieve that or am I addressing this problem from the wrong perspective?

You could use a basic loop, to find an item from deep nested object...

 let data = [{ "page": "main", "content": [{ "type": "item", "item": [{ "name": "HAMMER", "price": "1000" }, { "name": "SWORD", "price": "2000" }] }] }] let [prop, value] = ["name", "HAMMER"] loop: for (let page of data) { for (let type of page.content) { let found = type.item.find(v => v[prop] === value); if (found) { console.log(found) break loop; } } }

would you like to lookup recursively? Then you can use a generator...

 let data = [{ "page": "main", "content": [{ "type": "item", "item": [{ "name": "HAMMER", "price": "1000" }, { "name": "SWORD", "price": "2000" }] }] }] function* iterate(arrayLike, prop, value) { for (let page of arrayLike) { if (page[prop] == value) yield page; for (let v of Object.values(page)) { if (Array.isArray(v)) yield* iterate(v, prop, value) } } } for (let item of iterate(data, "name", "HAMMER")) { console.log(item) }

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