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I have a problem with the base SQLITE3, how to solve it?

I have such a code Python:

conn.execute(("UPDATE instagram SET description_photo =? WHERE id="),self.inputDescriptionInstagram,self.idPhoto)

an error pops up: conn.execute(("UPDATE instagram SET description_photo =? WHERE id=?"),self.inputDescriptionInstagram,self.idPhoto) TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

what am I doing wrong, where is the mistake?

self.inputDescriptionInstagram,self.idPhoto to the data transferred using the to definition button. All code is located in the class.

You also missed '?' after id= There should be 2 arguments, 1st sql query , 2nd the parameters I think you should try

conn.execute("UPDATE instagram SET description_photo =? WHERE id=?", (self.inputDescriptionInstagram,self.idPhoto))

or you can also do like this

conn.execute("UPDATE instagram SET description_photo =" + self.inputDescriptionInstagram + " WHERE id= " + self.idPhoto+ )

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