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Change UUID encoding to base-32 in spring-data-rest HAL _links

We recently began converting our controllers over to spring-data-rest repositories but in our system we must encode UUIDs in base-32.

We were able to solve this for the response content and the urls using the RepositoryRestConfigurer but the UUIDs still show in the standard format in the _links.

Current jackson mapper config:

public void configureConversionService(ConfigurableConversionService conversionService)
  conversionService.addConverter(String.class, UUID.class, new StringUuidConverter());

@Override public void configureJacksonObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper)
  SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
  module.addSerializer(UUID.class, new UUIDSerialiser());
  module.addDeserializer(UUID.class, new UUIDDeserialiser());


Is there a similar way to change the _links?

By default, the liveness and readiness probe paths use Spring Boot 2.x+ actuator endpoints. To use Spring Boot 1.x actuator endpoint paths, you must adjust the liveness and readiness values, as the following example shows (replace with the name of your application):


To automatically set both liveness and readiness endpoints on a per-application basis to the default Spring Boot 1.x paths, you can set the following property:


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