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Check if a value in one column is in a list in another column using pd.isin()

I have a DataFrame as below

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x' : range(0,5),
    'y' : [[0,2],[3,4],[2,3],[3,4],[7,9]]

I would like to test for each row of x, if the value is in the list specified by column y


so I would end up with:


Not sure why isin() does not work in this case

df.x.isin(df.y) checks for each element x , eg 0 , is equal to some of the values of df.y , eg is 0 equal to [0,2] , no, and so on.

With this, you can just do a for loop:

df[ [x in y for x,y in zip(df['x'], df['y'])] ]

Let us try explode with index loc

out = df.loc[df.explode('y').query('x==y').index.unique()]
   x       y
0  0  [0, 2]
2  2  [2, 3]
3  3  [3, 4]

Just an other solution:

result = (
    .assign(origin_y = df.y)
    .rename({'origin_y': 'y'})

   x       y
0  0  [0, 2]
2  2  [2, 3]
3  3  [3, 4]

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