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Quick Sort using C#

Hello I trying to do a QuickSort but didn't appear the result, For example the user input "cdabe" so the expected result is "abcde". May I know what is the cause why the result didn't display? because There is no error in the code. I'm using MVC. My MergeSort is working properly but my QuickSort didn't.

Model :

public string QuickSort()
                string arrangedSort = "";
                string Word= "cdabe";
                List<string> ListLetters = new List<string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Word.Length; i++)
                    ListLetters.Add(Word.Substring(i, 1)); 
                aQuicksort(Word, 0, ListLetters.Count - 1);
              void aQuicksort(string Word, int left, int right)
                    int i = left;
                    int j = right;
                    var pivot = Word[(left + right) / 2];
                    while (i <= j)
                        while (char.Parse(ListLetters[i]) < pivot)
                        while (char.Parse(ListLetters[i]) > pivot)
                        if (i <= j)
                            var tmp = ListLetters[i];
                            ListLetters[i] = ListLetters[j];
                            ListLetters[j] = tmp;
                    if (left < j)
                        aQuicksort(Word, left, j);
                    if (i < right)
                        aQuicksort(Word, i, right);
                    foreach (var listLetter in ListLetters)
                        arrangedSort += listLetter;
                return arrangedSort;


public void QuickSort()
            Sort word = new Sort();
            word.Word = sortView.WordText;
            sortView.result = word.QuickSort();


public interface ISort
        string WordText { get; set; }
        string result { get; set; }



 public partial class Form1 : Form, ISort
        public Form1()

        public string WordText { 
                return enterString.Text; 
                enterString.Text = value;
        public string result

                return sortResult.Text;
                sortResult.Text = value;


        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void btnSort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SortView view = new SortView(this);
            string selectSort = comSort.Text;
            switch (selectSort)
                case "MergeSort": view.MergeSort();break;
                case "QuickSort": view.QuickSort(); break;


This is the example output


Try this implementation, it uses LinQ using System.linq

public static IEnumerable<int> QSort3(IEnumerable<int> source)
        if (!source.Any())
            return source;
        int first = source.First();

        QSort3Helper myHelper = 
          source.GroupBy(i => i.CompareTo(first))
          .Aggregate(new QSort3Helper(), (a, g) =>
                  if (g.Key == 0)
                      a.Same = g;
                  else if (g.Key == -1)
                      a.Less = g;
                  else if (g.Key == 1)
                      a.More = g;
                  return a;
        IEnumerable<int> myResult = Enumerable.Empty<int>();
        if (myHelper.Less != null)
            myResult = myResult.Concat(QSort3(myHelper.Less));
        if (myHelper.Same != null)
            myResult = myResult.Concat(myHelper.Same);
        if (myHelper.More != null)
            myResult = myResult.Concat(QSort3(myHelper.More));

        return myResult;

    public class QSort3Helper
        public IEnumerable<int> Less;
        public IEnumerable<int> Same;
        public IEnumerable<int> More;

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