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Replace HTML tag with string that contains tag attribute

consider this string:

the quick&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="brown.fox" />&nbsp;jumps over the&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="lazy.dog" />

I would like to replace every occurrence of the <input type="button" tag with a string that contains the value attribute of the tag, specifically with this string ${}

So the end result should be

the quick&nbsp;${brown.fox}&nbsp;jumps over the&nbsp;${lazy.dog}

As you are in JavaScript, you have a DOM parser at your fingertips. Use it!

const input = `the quick&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="brown.fox" />&nbsp;jumps over the&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="lazy.dog" />`;
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = input;
const buttons = container.querySelectorAll("input[type=button]");
const output = container.innerHTML;
let text = 'the quick&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="brown.fox" />&nbsp;jumps over the&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="lazy.dog" />';

text = text.replace(/<input[^>]*value\s*=\s*["'](.+?)["']\s*[^>]*>/g,"${$1}")

You need to use regex for this.

This code should work:

 a = 'the quick&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="brown.fox" />&nbsp;jumps over the&nbsp;<input type="button" disabled="" value="lazy.dog" />' pattern = /<input type=\\"button\\".*?value=\\"([^\\"]+)\\" \\/>/gm matches = a.matchAll(pattern); for (const match of matches) { a = a.replace(match[0], "${" + match[1] + "}") } console.log(a)

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