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moving only some part of files to another folder

Hi everyone I´m trying now to move some files from one folder to another. The files that i have are

  • results_1_1
  • results_2_1
  • results_3_1
  • results_1_2
  • results_2_2
  • results_3_2

What i´d like to get is to move files

  • results_1_1
  • results_2_1
  • results_3_1 to one folder let´s call it A


  • results_1_2
  • results_2_2
  • results_3_2 to another let´s call it B

I don´t want to do it manually because, in reality, I have much more files

I have created by python a new folder that I want to have

and so far about moving the files to another directory

import shutil
source_folder = r"C:/Users/...."
destination_folder= r"C:/Users/...."
files_to_move = ['results_1_3.dat']

for file in files_to_move:
    source = source_folder + file 
    destination = destination_folder + file 

But with this program I can only move one file at a time I tried writing results_.+ 3.dat', results *_3.dat' but I´m seeing an error all the time

You can use os.listdir to find all the files in your directory.

This code finds all the files which names end with '1'.

import os
files_to_move = [f for f in os.listdir() if f.split('.')[0][-1] == '1']

You can also add an extension check if necessary:

files_to_move = [f for f in os.listdir() if f.split('.')[0][-1] == '1' and f.split('.')[1] == 'dat']

You can list all files in your directory using os.listdir(source_folder)

If you have mixed files in your directory, you can select your results files with something like this

files_to_move = [x for x in os.listdir(source_folder) if all(j in x for j in ['results', '.dat'])]

I would then create a dictionary containing the destination folders associated with the numbers in your results file.

destination_A = r'/path/to/destinationA'
destination_B = r'/path/to/destinationB'

moving_dict = {
    '1': destination_A,
    '2': destination_B

You can then move your files based on the filename

for file in files_to_move:
    destination_folder = moving_dict[file[:-4].split('_')[-1]]
    source = source_folder + file 
    destination = destination_folder + file 

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