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Is there a generic container signature validation method?

Does anyone have a good solution for a generic container signature verification? From what I've seen (please correct any mistakes)

  • Docker Hub uses signatures based on "Notary", that needs docker
  • RedHat use their own signing mechanism, that needs podman

As I can't install both podman and docker (containerd.io and runc have a conflict in RHEL, maybe a different host would allow it?) there seems to be no way to validate signatures that works for both sources.

Even if I could install them both I'd need to parse the dockerfile, work out where the source image was, do a docker/podman pull on the images and then do the build if no pulls fail. (Which feels likely to fail!)

For example: a build stage used a container from docker hub (eg maven) and run stage from redhat (eg registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8).

I really want a generic "validate the container signature at this URL" function that I can drop into a CICD tool. Some teams like using the RH registry, some Docker Hub, some mix and match.

Any good ideas? Obvious solutions I missed?

look at cosign https://github.com/sigstore/cosign

$ cosign verify --key cosign.pub dlorenc/demo

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