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How can I enter a sequence of numbers with an EOS in a vector without the EOS in it?

I enter a squencie of doubles in a vector but the last number is an EOS. How i dont enter that last number which stop the sequence?.

double vec[MAX];
int i = 0;
    while(vec[i-1] !=  EOS){
        cin >> vec[i];

You can use the following program to add the number from the sequence just read into the std::vector .

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
int main()
   std::vector<double> vec; //or you can create the vector of a particular size using std::vector<double> vec(size);
   double EOS = 65; //lets say this is the EOS
   std::string sequence; //or you can use std::string sequence = "12 43 76 87 65";
   std::getline(std::cin, sequence);//read the sequence of numbers
   std::istringstream ss(sequence);
   double temp;
   while((ss >> temp) && (temp!=EOS))
   std::cout<<"elements of the above vector are: "<<std::endl;
   //lets print out the elements of the vector 
   for(const double &elem: vec)
    return 0;

The output of the above program is(for a given input shown below):

12 43 78 98 65
elements of the above vector are: 

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