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creating a Loop Intel based Assembly x86

I am currently working on a project written in 32 bit intel syntax assembly. It is a small program to take input with sys read and cmp and check if it is a Palindrome and continue looping until enter has been pressed. My problem is, I can't figure out how to clear my memory for the variable I am using, it will move +1 and just print the rest of the word until I ctrl c out of the prompt. So my question is can you help me either figure out how to xor the memory or some other way? Thanks code is below. ;has to be callable in ac program


global _start

section .data

userMsg: DW 'Please enter a String to check:'

lenUserMsg EQU $-userMsg

;usereMsg DB 'Is a Palindrome'

;lenUsereMSG EQU $-usereMsg

;usrMsg DB 'Is not a Palindrome'

;lenUsrMsg EQU $-usrMsg

Section .bss

s:RESB 1024

w:RESB 1024

section .text


;promping the user to enter a string in which to check for palindrome


mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, userMsg

mov edx, lenUserMsg

int 80h

mov eax, 3

mov ebx, 0

mov ecx, w

mov edx, s

int 80h

cmp eax, 0

je exit

cmp BYTE [w], 0

je exit


mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, w

mov edx, s

int 80h

jmp Loop_Palindrome


mov eax, 1

mov ebx, 0

int 80h

Found my Problem, needed to " cmp byte [w], 10 ". I Needed to check for new line not a 0 lol.

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