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Importing .json into Typescript as an array

I am trying to import a .json file into Typescript as an array and do not know how to grab the values.

import * as data from './list.json';

  const array = data;

My json file

  "Element 1",
  "Element 2",
  "Element 3",
  "Element 4",
  "Element 5"

This is what the variable array looks like in the console when I am trying to log it in console. I can see that all elements from the array are there under default: But I do not know how to access that. I have tried array[0] and that is undefined

default: Array(5)
0: "Element 1"
1: "Element 2"
2: "Element 3"
3: "Element 4"
4: "Element 5"
length: 5
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
__esModule: true
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Module"

There are a few ways you can import json.

import json from "file.json";
import json = require("file.json");
import * as json from "file.json";

You can use whichever you want. The first one is preferred.

One way to import the default export is this syntax

import data from './list.json';

const array = data;

But you should also be able to access the array elements with your import method:

import * as data from './list.json';

const array = data;
console.log(array[1]); // 'Element 2'

don't import .json, instead use typescript module/const and export it

like create data.ts


export const DUMMY_DATA = [
  'Element 1',
  'Element 2',
  'Element 3',
  'Element 4',
  'Element 5',

and import this into your typescript file


import { DUMMY_DATA } from './data';


DUMMY_DATA.forEach((item) => {console.log(item)});

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