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Postgres how to insert python dictionary from csv file?

I have a csv events.csv:


Then I use python csv to read it:

import csv
with open(r'/Users/williaml/Downloads/events.csv') as csvfile: 
    spamreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',' ,quotechar=' ')
    for row in spamreader:            


{'"PATIENT ID': '"1', 'PATIENT NAME': 'Jane', 'EVENT TYPE': 'HR', 'EVENT VALUE': '82', 'EVENT UNIT': 'beats/minute', 'EVENT TIME"': '2021-07-07T02:27:00Z"'}

{'"PATIENT ID': '"1', 'PATIENT NAME': 'Jane', 'EVENT TYPE': 'RR', 'EVENT VALUE': '5', 'EVENT UNIT': 'breaths/minute', 'EVENT TIME"': '2021-07-07T02:27:00Z"'}

And I tried to insert these rows into database:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost', dbname='patientdb',user='username',password='password',port='')
cur = conn.cursor()
import csv
with open(r'apps/patients/management/commands/events.csv') as csvfile:
        spamreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',' ,quotechar=' ')
        for row in spamreader:
                cur.execute(f"""INSERT INTO patients_event (patient_id, event_type_id , event_value ,event_unit, event_time) VALUES
  ({row['"PATIENT ID']},{row['EVENT TYPE']},{row['EVENT VALUE']},
   {row['EVENT UNIT']},{row['EVENT TIME"']})""")


psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn: column "1,HR,82,
   beats/minute,2021-07-07T02:27:00Z" does not exist
LINE 2:   ("1,HR,82,

However if I directly run the following sql in database command terminal it works:

INSERT INTO patients_event (patient_id, event_type_id , event_value ,event_unit, event_time) VALUES('1','HR','82','beats/minute','2021-07-07T02:27:00Z');

So I think it seems this part of code is incorrect:

cur.execute(f"""INSERT INTO patients_event (patient_id, event_type_id , event_value ,event_unit, event_time) VALUES
      ({row['"PATIENT ID']},{row['EVENT TYPE']},{row['EVENT VALUE']},
       {row['EVENT UNIT']},{row['EVENT TIME"']})""")

Any friend can help?

Use this:

cur.execute("""INSERT INTO patients_event (patient_id, event_type_id , event_value ,event_unit, event_time) VALUES ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5})"""
            .format(row['"PATIENT ID'][1:], row['EVENT TYPE'], row['EVENT VALUE'], row['EVENT UNIT'], row['EVENT TIME"'][:-1]))

So, this basically handles your extra quotes in the output dict which I have mentioned in the comment here which is causing this issue.

And, that's why

INSERT INTO patients_event (patient_id, event_type_id , event_value ,event_unit, event_time) VALUES('1','HR','82','beats/minute','2021-07-07T02:27:00Z');

passes on db terminal as you can see the difference between values inserted here in both ways.

UPDATE : Avoid using python's string formatting for queries as it can lead to wrong queries or vulnerable points for sql injection. See parameters to know the correct ways to do this, as Adrian have mentioned in comments below.

so one problem with CSV is " at the beginning and end of each line. The way you are interpreting it is causing it to become part of SQL expression.

LINE 2:   ("1,HR,82

And this is causing error, as it's not correctly closed " and actually it not intended for it to be in the generated SQL.

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