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how do I read files in FluentFtp. C#

my class inherits from FluentFtp and I have created a class like this. I need to create a function called Read in this class. The purpose of the read function is to return a string to me by reading the contents of the files I have read from the ftp line by line. I'll process the rotating string later. Is there a value for this in FluentFtpde? if there is none, how should I create a function

using FluentFTP;

     public class CustomFtpClient : FtpClient
        public CustomFtpClient(string host, int port, string username, string password) : base(host, port, username, password)
            Client = new FtpClient(host, port, username, password);

        private FtpClient Client { get; }

        public string ReadFile(string remoteFileName)
            Client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024;
            return Client.ReadAllText(remoteFileName);

I can't write like this because the Client I'm writing comes from Ftp. Since I derived it from Sftp in my previous codes, I wanted to use a similar code slice to it, but there is no such code slice in FluentFtp How should I perform an operation in the Read Function .

In another file, I want to call it like this.

 CustomFtpClient = new CustomFtpClient(ftpurl, 21, ftpusername, ftppwd);
            var listedfiles = CustomFtpClient.GetListing("inbound");
            var onlyedifiles = listedfiles.Where(z =>
                z.FullName.ToLower().Contains(".txt") || z.FullName.ToLower().Contains("940")).ToList();

            foreach (var item in onlyedifiles)
                //var filestr = CustomFtpClient.ReadFile(item.FullName);

but I couldn't do it because it was a mistake.

var filestr = CustomFtpClient.ReadFile(item.FullName);

To read file to a string using FluentFTP, you can do:

if (!client.Download(out byte[] bytes, "/remote/path/file.txt"))
    throw new Exception("Cannot read file");

string contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

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