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PyDev says Undefined variable from import: AF_INET

As show below, the editor displays false errors about predefined socket module. Every underlined word refers to the same message: 'Undefined variable from import: xxxxx' and 'xxxxx Found at: _socket'.

How can I configure PyDev to avoid them?

Python version is 3.6.9, Eclipse version is 2021.09.


The socket module information is usually loaded in a spawned python process and its contents sent to Eclipse... Sometimes this doesn't work and the usual culprit is that to get this info, a socket connection is made and this doesn't work properly.

The following faq entry: https://www.pydev.org/faq.html#HowToFixCodeCompletion has more information. Please see if you can fix it with that info (if you can't, please provide any error you have in your error log).

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