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create a pandas dataframe from python list containing tuple with nested dictionary

I have wrestled with this for a few days now, but can't figure it out. I'm trying to create a dataframe "account_activity" from the results of an api get. i make an api call and print it out.

account_activities = api.get_activities()


[AccountActivity({   'activity_type': 'FILL',
    'cum_qty': '100',
    'id': '20211111105648607::a0ef3f04-ff00-4b8e-834d-54737d89c332',
    'leaves_qty': '0',
    'order_id': '32c9a40e-e6d2-4c7c-8949-a39ad32b535f',
    'order_status': 'filled',
    'price': '187.09',
    'qty': '56',
    'side': 'sell',
    'symbol': 'U',
    'transaction_time': '2021-11-11T15:56:48.607222Z',
    'type': 'fill'})]

How do I create a dataframe "account_activity" where the keys are the column headers and the index is the transaction_time is the row index with values in the rows?

Assuming j is te JSON from your AccountActivity object:

df = pd.DataFrame(j, index=['']).set_index('transaction_time',drop=True)

How you get the JSON depends on the APIs you're using. Perhaps

j = account_activities[0].__dict__

will work?

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