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Capture stdout from exec.Command line by line and also pipe to os.Stdout

Can anyone help ?

I have an application I am running via exec.CommandContext (so I can cancel it via ctx). it would normally not stop unless it errors out.

I currently have it relaying its output to os.stdOut which is working great. But I also want to get each line via a channel - the idea behind this is I will look for a regular expression on the line and if its true then I will set an internal state of "ERROR" for example.

Although I can't get it to work, I tried NewSscanner. Here is my code.

As I say, it does output to os.StdOut which is great but I would like to receive each line as it happens in my channel I setup.

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

func (d *Daemon) Start() {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    d.cancel = cancel

    go func() {
        args := "-x f -a 1"
        cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "mydaemon", strings.Split(args, " ")...)

        var stdoutBuf, stderrBuf bytes.Buffer

        cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &stdoutBuf)
        cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, &stderrBuf)

        lines := make(chan string)

        go func() {
            scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
            for scanner.Scan() {
                fmt.Println("I am reading a line!")
                lines <- scanner.Text()

        err := cmd.Start()
        if err != nil {

        select {
        case outputx := <-lines:
            // I will do somethign with this!
            fmt.Println("Hello!!", outputx)

        case <-ctx.Done():
            log.Println("I am done!, probably cancelled!")

Also tried using this

        go func() {
            scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&stdoutBuf)
            for scanner.Scan() {
                fmt.Println("I am reading a line!")
                lines <- scanner.Text()

Even with that, the "I am reading a line" never gets out, I also debugged it and it neve enters the "for scanner.."

Also tried scanning on &stderrBuf , same, nothing enters.

cmd.Start() does not wait for the command to finish. Also, cmd.Wait() needs to be called to be informed about the end of the process.

reader, writer := io.Pipe()

cmdCtx, cmdDone := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

scannerStopped := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
    defer close(scannerStopped)

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
    for scanner.Scan() {

cmd := exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stdout = writer
_ = cmd.Start()
go func() {
    _ = cmd.Wait()


scannerStopped is added to demonstrate that the scanner goroutine stops now.

reader, writer := io.Pipe()

scannerStopped := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
    defer close(scannerStopped)

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
    for scanner.Scan() {

cmd := exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stdout = writer
_ = cmd.Run()

go func() {
    _ = cmd.Wait()


And handle the lines as it helps.

Note: wrote this in a bit of hurry. Let me know if anything is unclear or not correct.


scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&stdoutBuf)

The command is terminated when the context canceled. If it's OK to read all output from the command until the command is terminated, then use this code:

func (d *Daemon) Start() {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    d.cancel = cancel

    args := "-x f -a 1"
    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "mydaemon", strings.Split(args, " ")...)
    stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
    if err != nil {
    err = cmd.Start()
    if err != nil {

    go func() {
        defer cmd.Wait()
        scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
        for scanner.Scan() {
            s := scanner.Text()
            fmt.Println(s) // echo to stdout
            // Do something with s

The command is terminated when the context is canceled.
Read on stdout returns io.EOF when the command is terminated. The goroutine breaks out of the scan loop when stdout returns an error.

For a correct program using concurrency and goroutines, we should at least ensure there are no data races, the program can't deadlock, and goroutines don't leak.

Full code

Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/VDW5rj1DltG . I recommend copying and running locally, because the playground doesn't stream output afaik and it has timeouts.

Note that I've changed the test command to % find /usr/local , a typically long-running command (>3 seconds) with plenty of output lines, since it is better suited for the scenarios we should test.


Let's look at the Daemon.Start method. Most noticeably, the new code don't use a goroutine around a large part of the Daemon.Start code. Even without this, the Daemon.Start method remains non-blocking and will return immediately.

The first noteworthy fix is these updated lines.

    outR, outW := io.Pipe()
    cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(outW, os.Stdout)

Instead of constructing a bytes.Buffer variable, we call io.Pipe . If we didn't make this change and stuck with a bytes.Buffer, then scanner.Scan() will return false as soon as there is no more data to read. This can happen if the command writes to stdout only occasionally (even a millisecond apart, for this matter). After scanner.Scan() returns false, the goroutine exits and we miss processing future output.

By using the read end of io.Pipe , scanner.Scan() will wait for input from the pipe's read end until the pipe's write end is closed.

This fixes the race issue between the scanner and the command output.

Next, we construct two closely-related goroutines: the first to consume from <-lines , and the second to produce into lines<- .

    go func() {
        for line := range lines {
            fmt.Println("output line from channel:", line)
    go func() {
        defer close(lines)
        scanner := bufio.NewScanner(outR)
        for scanner.Scan() {
            lines <- scanner.Text()

The consumer goroutine will exit when the lines channel is closed, as the closing of the channel would naturally cause the range loop to terminate; the producer goroutine closes lines upon exit.

The producer goroutine will exit when scanner.Scan() returns false, which happens when the write end of the io.Pipe is closed. This closing happens in upcoming code.

Note from the two paragraphs above that the two goroutines are guaranteed to exit (ie will not leak).

Next, we start the command. Standard stuff, it's a non-blocking call, and it returns immediately.

// Start the command.
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {

Moving on to the final piece of code in Daemon.Start . This goroutine waits for the command to exit via cmd.Wait() . Handling this is important because the command may for reasons other than Context cancellation.

Particularly, we want to close the write end of the io.Pipe (which, in turn, closes the output lines producer goroutine as mentioned earlier).

    go func() {
        err := cmd.Wait()
        fmt.Println("command exited; error is:", err)

This goroutine, too, is guaranteed to exit. It will exit when cmd.Wait() returns. This can happen either because the command exited normally with success; exited with failure due to a command error; or exited with failure due to Context cancelation.

That's it! We should have no data races, no deadlocks, and no leaked goroutines.

The lines elided (" ... ") in the snippets above are geared towards the Done() , CmdErr() , and Cancel() methods of the Daemon type. These methods are fairly well-documented in the code, so these elided lines are hopefully self-explanatory.

Besides that, look for the TODO comments for error handling you may want to do based on your needs!

Test it

Use this driver program to test the code.

func main() {
    var d Daemon

    // Enable this code to test Context cancellation:
    // time.AfterFunc(100*time.Millisecond, d.Cancel)

    fmt.Println("d.CmdErr():", d.CmdErr())

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