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Unable to respond to HEAD requests in Java

I am writing a personal web server. When I send the GET request to the system, the system responds well. But when I send the HEAD request, I get the following problems:

sun.net.httpserver.ExchangeImpl sendResponseHeaders WARNING: sendResponseHeaders: being invoked with a content length for a HEAD request java.io.IOException: response headers not sent yet at jdk.httpserver/sun.net.httpserver.PlaceholderOutputStream.checkWrap(ExchangeImpl.java:448) at jdk.httpserver/sun.net.httpserver.PlaceholderOutputStream.write(ExchangeImpl.java:458) at ir.utux.service.HandleHttpResponse.writeResponse(HandleHttpResponse.java:32)

This is the code I wrote to manage the response, to simplify HEAD and GET together.

public void writeResponse(SettingModal settingModal) {
    try {
        switch (requestHeader.getMethod()) {
            case HEAD,GET -> {
                response.getResponseHeaders().set("Server", "utux HttpServer");
                response.getResponseHeaders().set("Connection", "close");
                response.getResponseHeaders().set("Transfer-encoding", "chunked");
                response.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", ContentType.HTML);
                response.sendResponseHeaders(HttpStatus.SC_OK, "".length());
    } catch (IOException e) {

我发现问题 BODY 不应响应 HEAD 请求而发送。

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