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NiFI :- Failed to create Extension Definition for CONTROLLER_SERVICE org.apache.nifi.record.sink.lookup.RecordSinkServiceLookup

I'm trying to use DBCPConnectionPool service in my custom processor. So, how to use in-built controller services (which are already available on NiFi) in our custom processors.

Here are my properties in *-nar/->pom.xml


Here are my dependencies in *processors/->pom.xml


And here is my propertydescriptor for DBCPConnetionPool service :-

public static final PropertyDescriptor DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
            .name("DBCPConnectionPoolLookup Service")
            .description("The Controller Service to use in order to establish a connection")

and in my OnTrigger method I didn't used it as :-

DBCPService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)

Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();

and was trying to use this con object as in regular passion createStatement->executeQuery.

When I tried to package it using mvn clean install it started throwing error as : A required class was missing while executing org.apache.nifi:nifi-nar-maven-plugi n:1.3.1:nar: org/apache/nifi/record/sink/RecordSinkService then I added the following dependencies in processors/->pom.xml


This time it was new error as :- Failed to create Extension Definition for CONTROLLER_SERVICE org.apache.nifi.record.sink.lookup.RecordSinkServiceLookup: Null PointerException

I also checked by commenting out code which I have written, to check the way I'm using that property was wrong but, even that didn't worked.:-

DBCPService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)

Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();

Can someone help me out in order to use DBCPConnectionPoolService controller service in my custom processor?

I had the same issues the other day and I solved it by using AbstractControllerService instead of DBCPConnectionPool therefore not needing org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService anymore. Therefore my code would look like this:

MyService DBCPService = context.getProperty(DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE)

Connection con = DBCPService.getConnection();

MyService is the custom interface that extends ControllerService.(you have to use it when you also define the PropertyDescriptor DBCPConnectionPool_SERVICE )

And StandardMyService the class that extends AbstractControllerService and implements MyService and getConnection() from it.

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