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Confusing compiler error: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type

I have an array with acceptable mime types:

export const frontend = { 
  zipMimeTypes: [
} as const;

I want to include it in another file and use it like so:


However, my TS compiler is complaining about file.type

Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type '"application/zip" | "application/x-zip-compressed" | "multipart/x-zip"'.

I just do:


It works

The issue is in as const . Instead, you can define an interface to use with frontend :

interface Frontend {
  zipMimeTypes: string[];
const frontend: Frontend = {
  zipMimeTypes: [

Although forcing zipMimeTypes to be a string array will get rid of the error, you have now lost your typing for zipMimeTypes.

Instead I would create a type for your zipMimeTypes.

The advantages is that code-completion works nicely too.

export const frontend = { 
  zipMimeTypes: [
} as const;

type zipMimeType = typeof frontend.zipMimeTypes[number];

interface File {
    type: zipMimeType;

const file:File = {
    type: 'application/zip'

if (frontend.zipMimeTypes.includes(file.type)) {

TS Playground

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