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Is it UB to change a member of a const object via a constructor-bound reference?

In short: Does the following code have Undefined Behavior, or is this fine?

struct X
  X(int b)
    : value(b)
    , ref(value)

  int value;
  int& ref;

  void isThisUB() const
    ref = 1;

int main()
  const X x(2);
  // Is either of these fine?
  x.ref = 3;
  return x.value;


X::value is const for x . According to my understanding of const semantics, this means that modifying it in any way is UB. Yet we can take a non-const reference to it in the constructor and then modify it through that, either in a const member function or directly.

The C++ (at least 17) standard gives an example of const-related UB in [dcl.type.cv] that looks mostly the same, except it employs const_cast . Note how p->xj = 99 is denoted as UB. I do not see a fundamental difference between achieving this with const_cast vs my above code.

So, is the code above UB? Are non-const reference members/pointers really this big of a footgun?

(If you can come up with search keywords that yield a related question and not just random const stuff, I'll be mighty impressed.)

Does the following code have Undefined Behavior, or is this fine?

It has UB. Standard says:


Except that any class member declared mutable can be modified, any attempt to modify a const object during its lifetime results in undefined behavior .

x is const and you modify its non-mutable member.

I do not see a fundamental difference between achieving this with const_cast vs my above code.

Indeed. Both are UB for the same reason.

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