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decode single base64 lines from an XML document with xml SLuper

I am trying to decode an XML document that has lines that are base64 encoded.

For this I first tried to read the XML document with XML Slurper and then convert it line by line and write all lines into a string. Unfortunately I didn't manage to iterate over the single elements.

Because the base64 lines always have a "==" at the end, I tried after I had all lines one after the other in a big string, to read the elements in a List. however, I get then again only a big string out and can not edit the elements again individually.

The document looks like this:


thats my code

def root = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)

def authorResult = root.item.LINE as String

List<String> items = Arrays.asList(authorResult.split("\\s=="));


root.each { thing ->
  println "LINE index: ${LINE.@indexNum}"

But with noi luck, im stuck. Why both of my approaches didnt work? Pleas explain me what im doing wrong

This is my solution

String s =""
def root = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)

def titles = root.'**'.findAll { node -> node.name() == 'LINE' }*.text()

for(def i = 0; i<titles.size();i++) {
    Helpdecode = titles.get(i).toString()
    def Help2 = Base64.getDecoder().decode(Helpdecode);
    String s2 = new String(Help2)
    s = s+s2

This code works perfectly on my machine. The code was transfered to a cloud and now im getting this error


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