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A Rust function return a future, after .await(), it may be throw a panic!. How can I avoid the panic! to stop the program?

I'm making a function call_data() , it will return a future. In the main function, I use tokio task to call call_data() forever each 60 seconds. Some time, the call_data() .await is a Error, so there is a panic. and stop the program. I try let a = call_data("name", "table").await; , then use match , if Ok , future is excuted, if Error , continue. However, that is not work, if there is panic,. still throw the panic?. Do I have any ways to avoid the panic! for this program? Below is the code I do not using match!

async fn main() {
    let forever = task::spawn(async {
        let mut interval = interval(Duration::from_millis(60000));
        loop {
            call_data("name", "table").await;

async fn call_data(name:&str, table: &str){

This is the code I use match

async fn main() {
        let forever = task::spawn(async {
            let mut interval = interval(Duration::from_millis(60000));
            loop {
                let a =call_data("BTC-USD", "test3").await;
                match a{
    async fn call_data(name:&str, table: &str){

Your fn call_data should look something like

async fn call_data(name: &str, table: &str) -> std::result::Result<Data, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
    Ok(Data {})

and match should look like

match call_data("", "").await {
    Ok(data) => {
        // do something with data
    Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

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